Try switching to a new project or a new partner throughout the day to help keep your mind fresh. Having two people working on a single initiative may seem like a waste of valuable resources. Indeed, it’s true that pair programming won’t be able to complete a project in half the time. In sum, it helps your programmers learn from each other while coming up with programs and applications with better code quality and fewer bugs. An unstructured approach is difficult to discipline and unlikely to last for longer projects.

pair programming definition

Having another person with you and changing roles often can help keep you fresh and focused. While reviewing, the observer also considers the “strategic” direction of the work, coming up with ideas for improvements and likely future problems to address. This is intended to free the driver to focus all of their attention on the “tactical” aspects of completing the current task, using the observer as a safety net and guide. At the same time, junior developers need to figure out how to address the problems independently. If you are leading the pair programming, these distractions are simpler to deal with.

What Is Pair Programming?

A common variant of this style is the unstructured expert-novice pair, where an expert programmer and a novice are paired together. Many organizations use pair programming for improved efficiency. Even if you’re still learning to code, pair programming is a good way to improve your skills. For example, if you’re new to Python, you might want to practice with another student learning Python (or someone more experienced). The relative weight of these factors can vary by project and task.

pair programming definition

In terms of the code itself, you may also each have a different implicit understanding about how variables are named, how to structure a commit message, when to use comments, etc. If a colocated pair is sharing a single machine, they’ll need to come to some agreements about the configuration of their shared computers, keyboards, mouses, etc. That ergonomic keyboard with all the custom hardware macros might not be the best choice for sharing.

Team-building and communication

Forming the best approach to a problem adds an extra layer of complexity and requires an extensive amount of time and thought. Ideally, programmers will have enough time to work on solo and pair-programming tasks. There are both empirical studies and meta-analyses of pair programming. The empirical studies tend to examine the level of productivity and the quality of the code, while meta-analyses may focus on biases introduced by the process of testing and publishing. Setting up a physical space is an important setup for pair programming. It simply points to the workspace for both the programmers where they can sit next to each other, orienting the same computer.

pair programming definition

This reduces the dependencies on individuals and serves the Agile principle of cross functional teams. Pair programming can help new members of the team learn the tricks of the trade much faster. The pair programming definition system and the domain knowledge can be shared much faster by pairing with experienced developers. The two programmers share a single workstation (one screen, keyboard and mouse among the pair).

What is Pair Programming?

Pair programming encourages teams to build robust solutions that won’t create unexpected bugs later on. Code reviews are a process wherein another programmer takes a look at your code to find something that needs improvement or find defects in it. It combines testing with quality control to ensure that everything in your code is good.

If there’s a significant gap in skill level between the two partners, one might end up relying too heavily on the other. This could lead to issues with workflow and between programmers. Having someone quality checking the code as it’s being written will improve accuracy. Issues and bugs can be caught immediately rather than down the road when it’s harder to debug.

Words Starting With P and Ending

To learn more about our process of developing award-winning software here at Very, contact us today. You can come up with more creative solutions than you would on your own, and you might find solutions faster. Just having someone to talk through a problem with can be key to coming up with a solution. Here you can assess technical capabilities and communication skills and the capacity to operate in a group. Instead, the navigator will pay close attention to the code the driver is producing and will offer advice and ideas as needed. It can also be socially awkward to remind your pair when the agreed pairing time has come to an end.

  • Usually, you pair program in the office, at your desk, or at your colleague’s desk.
  • AI coding tools are becoming standard practice for many developers.
  • The author attributed the reduction in lines of code to agressive refactoring and continuous code review inherent to pair programming.
  • You can have people who know little bit of every technology and tool used within the project.
  • The other person is the “Navigator” who reviews each line of code as it is typed, checking for errors.
  • The distracted programmer is likely not looking to catch errors or check the consistency of the code, leading to more problems down the line.

In such scenario you can skip pair programming and revert to it only when a complex functionality is being developed. While it’s a common misconception that software engineering is a solitary field, the reality is that collaboration often helps you solve programming issues more quickly and efficiently. In this article, we’ll examine the practice of pair programming, highlighting its prominent benefits and potential drawbacks. The best way to approach pairing is to partner two programmers and have them share a computer.

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Studies have also attributed improvements in design quality, team communication, and the coder’s enjoyment of the process to pair programming practices. One important point is that as the navigator is reviewing every line of code produced, this inspection enables the early detection of bugs and reduces the time reviewing code later. Actually we could say that pair programming is a way to do continuous code reviews. One of my ex-colleague made a very important point regarding pair programming.

pair programming definition

If some one says they are working on Agile and they have specialists in one area in their team I am afraid they are not truly Agile. As the name implies, pair programming can be considered as two individuals and one machine. Precisely, it is the practice of having two developers and one working machine so that both the individuals can combine and collaborate to work on one aspect. In this practice, both the individuals have one keyboard and a mouse.

What Are the Pitfalls of Pair Programming?

This is particularly the case when it includes at least one experienced participant in the pair. Pair programming prevents context switches that code review implies. Pairing only works when two people dedicate their full attention to a single computer. It’s better to avoid the distraction of having two (or more) active screens going during a pairing session. Even if one person just wants to look up some relevant code examples or check on the status of a background process, it’s better to do that on the one shared computer. If it’s a search, both developers can see how the search is constructed and what potential results come up.