Instead of trying to retrofit infrastructure as code into the existing CD Maturity Model, I believe it is more effective to independently apply the model’s five levels of maturity to infrastructure as code. To that end, I have selected many of the best practices from the book, Infrastructure as Code, as well as from my experiences. Those selected practices have been distributed across the CD Maturity Model’s five levels of maturity.

Decisions are decentralized to the team and component ownership is defined which gives teams the ability to build in quality and to plan for sustainable product and process improvements. Moving to beginner level, teams stabilize over projects and the organization has typically begun to remove boundaries by including test with development. Multiple backlogs are naturally consolidated into one per team and basic agile methods are adopted which gives stronger teams that share the pain when bad things happen. DevOps metrics provide a clear picture of the performance of a DevOps software development pipeline and help identify and eliminate bottlenecks quickly. In addition to tracking technical capabilities, we can also use these metrics to track team processes. Architecture that supports your DevOps objectives is necessary if you want to move up the DevOps maturity model.

continuous delivery maturity model

The Maturity Model Gap Analysis Tool is applicable to many discipline, not only Continuous Delivery. The application is built to be fully configurable and easily adaptable, by modifying the data file (js/data/data_radar.js). The default data file contains a sample data set, based on a fictions financial institution’s gap analysis. Ila is an experienced Salesforce Consultant/Release Manager, driven by intellectual curiosity to solve problems. She loves taking up challenges and her industry interest lies at the intersection of technology and business. She has hands-on experience in end to end Salesforce implementation, assuring code quality and best practices.

Currently, the CD Maturity Model data is stored in the js/data/data_radar.js file, as an array of JavaScript object literals. It would be very easy to convert the project to use a data source, such as a static JSON or YAML file, or MongoDB database. The application is a browser-based tool, which uses the D3.js JavaScript library.

Similar to Continuous Delivery Maturity Model (

Infrastructure handling abilities related to automation and supporting self-service concerning store settings are at the core of DevOps maturity model assessment, particularly when connected to other enterprises. The actual implementation of the pipeline, tools used, and processes may differ but the fundamental concept of 100% automation is the key. Even though most firms have implemented DevOps to some extent in their software development processes, many of them are yet to unlock the full potential of DevOps.

DevOps Maturity Model is a conceptual model that determines where an organization stands in the DevOps course, which direction it is heading, and decides what you need to do to achieve desired outcomes. If you are working with Kubernetes probably you know Helm and Kustomize . Kustomize is a template-free declarative management tool for Kubernetes resources.

continuous delivery maturity model

Using a continuous deliverymaturity model can facilitate discussions on what you want to achieve with CI/CD and will help you map out a step-by-step approach to implementing the various elements. Laying the foundations for these elements early on makes it much easier to keep progressing as you solve the technical challenges. The practices described at each level of maturity all help you work towards a fast, reliable, repeatable release process that provides rapid feedback on changes. Senior developer and architect with experience in operations of large system. Strong believer that Continuous Delivery and DevOps is the natural step in the evolution of Agile and Lean movement.

As their DevOps transformation journeys advance, businesses must remember that DevOps is a long-term commitment, not an overnight technique. It is important to recognize that DevOps is a culture-based program that encourages the participation of different teams as they work towards a common goal. A report claims that three-fourths of DevOps projects are predicted to fall short of their objectives due to organizational failure to create a culture that is open to this shift.

Services & Support

The pros and cons of the will help the company decide whether its implementation is the right step at this time. Moving to intermediate the level of automation requires you to establish a common information model that standardizes the meaning of concepts and how they are connected. This model will typically give answers to questions like; what is a component? Automatic reporting and feedback on events is implemented and at this level it will also become natural to store historical reports connected to e.g. builds or other events. This gives management crucial information to make good decisions on how to adjust the process and optimize for e.g. flow and capacity.

Organizations now have a specialized procedure for everything following corporate standards and business objectives, from incident response systems to communication tools. As a result, DevOps places a high value on structure and process. After a few years of DevOps execution journey and successful automation, organizations concentrate on cooperation across teams and facilitating sharing mechanisms. There is grave mindful involvement in achieving the new skill, as presenting it requires concentration.

There are no longer team silos, and the achievements are visible. Amplifying feedback can help you catch failures before they make it downstream, and accelerate your time to resolution. One easy way to speed up feedback is by automating notifications so that teams are alerted to incidents or bugs when they happen.


Now this third team has shifted security to the left with DevSecOps and embedding security operations across the DevOps process. There is another team that has implemented AI-driven automation and zero touch deployment. Based on the analysis and assessment of your current state of software supply chain and operations, you can decide your objective to level up your processes. All they aim is to achieve speed, stability, availability, and security of their software delivery capability but clueless with the bullet-proof next step to adopt and integrate a new process. The result is a system that is totally reproducible from source control, from the O/S and all the way up to application. Doing this enables you to reduce a lot of complexity and cost in other tools and techniques for e.g. disaster recovery that serves to ensure that the production environment is reproducible.

The continuous delivery branching model, for example, allows the developers to run tests freely and make changes without destroying the main code line. The developers can develop, test, and modify the code in parallel or isolation and then merge it to a master. As teams mature they will want to focus on automated testing with Unit, Integration, Functional, Stress/Load and Performance testing. Most teams new to automated testing focus on Integration Tests when all teams should start at the lowest level with Unit Tests.

Build & Deploy

Continuous Integration is a software practice that require developers to commit their code to the main workspace, at least once, possibly several times a day. Its expected that the developers have run unit tests in their local environment before committing the source code. The automation phase, the third level of DevOps maturity, involves more automation to perform essential tasks. Here, agile practices are in action, security scans are integrated into testing throughout the development and deployment process, and new tools and automation techniques are adapted, leading to an organization-wide transformation. Although infrastructure as code is not explicitly called out as a practice in the CD Maturity Model, several infrastructure as code best practices can be found in the maturity model. For example, the model prescribes automated environment provisioning, orchestrated deployments, and the use of metrics for continuous improvement.

Instead of having a separate process, disaster recovery is simply done by pushing out the last release from the pipeline like any other release. This together with virtualization gives extreme flexibility in setting up test and production environments with minimum manual effort. At this level real time graphs and other reports will typically also include trends over time. At intermediate level, builds are typically triggered from the source control system on each commit, tying a specific commit to a specific build. Tagging and versioning of builds is automated and the deployment process is standardized over all environments.

It can also be difficult to figure out how the team is progressing on this journey. Or maybe your organization or team is starting to plan to fully embrace DevOps and your team is researching what is exactly what to need to install in order to have the perfect toolchain. Perhaps you have a gap in some processes that you are not even aware of. Establishing a good and solid DevOps toolchain will help determine ahead of time the grade of the success of your DevOps practices. Every successful and well-organized modern software project requires a combination of continuous integration and continues delivery . Continuous delivery is a widespread software delivery practice used by IT companies to provide custom functions in a faster, safer, and more permanent way.

  • Every company targeting DevOps maturity should undergo this cultural transformation as DevOps maturity requires cross-functional collaboration and the unity of every stakeholder, from engineers to executives.
  • In addition to tracking technical capabilities, we can also use these metrics to track team processes.
  • What tools did you have in mind to “[…] provide dynamic self-service useful information and customized dashboards.”
  • Companies are categorized as elite, high performers, medium performers, or low performers based on how they perform in each of these areas.
  • This crucial work bridges many of the concepts first introduced in Humble and Farley’s Continuous Delivery, with the evolving processes and practices to support cloud computing.

Testing is without doubt very important for any software development operation and is an absolutely crucial part of a successful implementation of Continuous Delivery. Similar to Build & Deploy, maturity in this category will involve tools and automation. However, it is also important to constantly increase the test-coverage of the application to build up the confidence in speed with frequent releases. Usually test involves verifying expected functionality according to requirements in different ways but we also want to emphasize the importance of verifying the expected business value of released features. DevOps Maturity for Application – This measures the DevOps maturity in terms of the ease of moving code from development to production.

Must-Have Steps for Production Debugging in Any Language

At the advanced level you will have split the entire system into self contained components and adopted a strict api-based approach to inter-communication so that each component can be deployed and released individually. With a mature component based architecture, where every component is a self-contained releasable unit with business value, you can achieve small and frequent releases and extremely short release cycles. This continuous delivery model allows the business to receive a return on investment as soon as possible and also reduce risky and repetitive tasks.

It is an approach that requires a culture that brings together different teams where all members work towards a common goal while being aware of their role in this process. Every company targeting DevOps maturity should undergo this cultural transformation as DevOps maturity requires cross-functional collaboration and the unity continuous delivery maturity model of every stakeholder, from engineers to executives. Because of this, it also requires proper communication and planning. By the optimization phase, the organization is fully on-board and owns solid DevOps processes and culture. This stage is about optimizing your DevOps, improving CI/CD, and enhancing performance based on data.

DevOps Maturity Model: Assess, Monitor, Transform

Each of the matrix’s 30 elements defines a required discipline an organization needs to follow, to be considered at that level of maturity within that practice. The list is quite intimidating so we’ve highlighted the practices we think you should focus on when starting on this journey. The high priority practices were chosen because they give the most impact in terms of productivity, quality, delivery and risk mitigation. As part of deployment, you should also review your provisioning tasks and requirements.

The continuous delivery maturity model has five steps – base, beginner, intermediate, advanced, and expert. There are also five categories–Culture and Organization, Design and Architecture, Build and Deploy, Test and Verification, Information and Reporting. Different types can fall under various levels, although it is desirable to maintain them somewhat close to each other. The company does not need to pass these levels sequentially and can use them as a base for evaluation and planning instead. At the base stage in the maturity model a development team or organization will typically practice unit-testing and have one or more dedicated test environments separate from local development machines. This system and integration level testing is typically done by a separate department that conducts long and cumbersome test periods after development “code freeze”.

Explore the possibility to hire a dedicated R&D team that helps your company to scale product development. As the teams mature they will want their compiled, tested and verified artifacts to be archived and deployed to either a final QA server, and/or the production server for access by customers. All changes (code, configuration, environments, etc.) triggers the feedback mechanisms. Technology that makes it simple to roll back and forth between database versions. Optimised for rapid feedback and visualisation of integration problems.

Building up your pipeline incrementally, with achievable goals along the way, makes the process more manageable and provides opportunities to take stock and learn from what you have done so far. InfoQ Live January Learn how to achieve high-level observability without picking and choosing which logs to collect. GraphQL can be a great choice for client to server communication, but it requires investment to maximize its potential.