Additionally, as per GitHub, the interest in Python has been on the rise, and it has garnered a devoted following among programmers. The Python Software Foundation provides inclusive documentation that enables new users to be productive quickly. Now we have an API that can receive requests and send responses to our front-end. I will start by sharing the code and techniques that allowed me to create my first API. The API app below attempts to take in an array of numbers and return their squares.

After you navigate to the project folder, it’s a good idea to create and activate a virtual environment. That way, you’re installing any project dependencies not system-wide but only in your project’s virtual environment. By leveraging Swagger UI, you’ll create handy documentation for your API along the way. That way, you’ll have the opportunity to test how your API works at each stage of this tutorial and get a useful overview of all your endpoints. The endpoint responsible for accepting new incomes was also refactored.

Creating a RESTful API with Flask API Framework: A How-To Guide

It’s an architectural style for designing standards between computers, making it easier for systems to communicate with each other. In simpler terms, REST is a set of rules developers follow when they create APIs. The get_password function is a callback function that the extension will use to obtain the password for a given user. In a more complex system this function could check a user database, but in this case we just have a single user so there is no need for that. If we find the task then we just package it as JSON with jsonify and send it as a response, just like we did before for the entire collection. The response of this function is not text, we are now replying with JSON data, which Flask’s jsonify function generates for us from our data structure.

restful api python flask

It has no database abstraction layer, form validation, or any other components where pre-existing third-party libraries provide common functions. With these options set, curl sends JSON data in a POST request with the Content-Type header set to application/json. The REST API returns 201 CREATED along with the JSON for the new country you added. Responding to requests, both successful and erroneous, is one of the most important jobs of a REST API. If your API is intuitive and provides accurate responses, then it’ll be easier for users to build applications around your web service.

API Development in Python With Flask-Restful and MongoDB

With the web application server now operating, we can commence testing procedures. After successfully completing the request, data from the specified CSV file will be returned from the endpoint URL with a 200 status code. Furthermore, the POST method enables us to submit data entries regarding a new user, allowing us to add them to the file. Explanation ~ In the above code, we first load required parent classes, then initialize our app and API. After that, we create a course, and we make a GET request that states if anyone hits on this class, then he will get Hello world as the response in JSON format. To switch on a particular URL, we use the add resource method and route it to the default slash.

  • It is not okay to use this technique on a production web server, for that a proper database setup must be used.
  • It seems to have achieved the function we wanted, returned a JSON string.
  • Next, you call requests.put() with new JSON data to replace the existing to-do’s values.
  • In such a system we would have a second resource, which would be the users.
  • A. Incoming data can be accessed through the request object in Flask.
  • This article is aimed at intermediate Python developer, or if you have experience with object-oriented programming in any language.
  • So in the first one, we are making the external time function which returns the code execution time.

Note that in both blueprints, the /hello/ route is calling the hello function. Blueprints allow us to separate various endpoints into subdomains. You restful api python flask can also use jsonify to automatically serialize lists and tuples to JSON Response. This example only scratches the surface of what FastAPI can do.

Creating RESTful Web APIs using Flask and Python

When we run the above file using POSTMAN, we try to get the data without login in to give you unauthorized access. In part two of this series, you’ll learn how to use a proper database to store your data permanently instead of relying on in-memory storage as you did here. This JSON object resembles the Person component that you were defining earlier in swagger.yml and that you’re referencing with $ref in schema.

restful api python flask